Tuesday was a good day...but a sad day! It was the LAST day of vacation! Work has been NUTS....I'm wishing I took the whole week off!
Tuesday morning me and my fiancé slept in..and he cooked me breakfast...mmmmm scrambled eggs! Then we ventured out to plant our flowers that my Dad bought the yard. We bought a Korean Liliac for the back yard to eventually block the neighbors ugly shed...its going to be a deep purple.And for the side of the house we dug out an UGLY bush last year, and we needed to fill it with something pretty! So, we put some Sunray Coreopsis. They haven't bloomed yet, but this is what it will look like. I'm thinking about having a couple of these in my bouquet! :-)
And we also have an open spot in the front of the house...from yet another UGLY bush...So we planted some Petite Delight Beebalm. They also haven't bloomed yet...here is what they will look like...Aren't they so pretty!? They will both come back every year. I'm so excited to see them bloom!
So...after digging and planting..I ventured over to my friend Devon's to see baby Connor and Mahala. He doesn't look so scrunched up anymore! He is so cute! I got to hold him for a good 2 hours!!! He smelled so good..I love the smell of babies.

Cute little baby boy! I already told you this, but I just love lilacs! I think I'm obsessed with the smell of them...can't get enough!
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