I have become completely obsessed with THIS blog. Not only because it's SO fun to read, but she has sooo many great ideas for vintage style weddings. I have found books I want to buy, make-up styles I want to try, vitamins I want to start taking....You gotta check her blog out. I'm completely addicted! I've started from the beginning (2007) and have made it to April 2008 in 1 day!
I found this awesome 1956 Spring Wedding clip. It reminds me of my Grandmother's wedding. And looking at the Wedding album and wedding videos is what inspired me to (always) want a vintage style wedding. So I have been on the hunt for ideas.
I'm starting to brainstorm ideas for our 'amateur' vintage style wedding....but also trying to stay simple. I don't have much..but here you go:
Wedding Attire: Blusher veil, possibly ivory jacket tuxes, thigh high stockings, very vintage dress (which will be arriving in 6 months!)
Reception Decor: Lots of candles. (In search of more ideas--please help!)
Music: A variety. But lots of old music. I want my guests to dance their booty's off!
Colors: Sage, Espresso brown and Ivory
As you see...I don't have a lot of ideas yet. But I am working on it! I have a lot of time left so I am trying to utilize every free moment I have!
Please feel free to comment with ideas!
July 30, 2008
Vintage-crazy, Blog obsessing and wedding overload!
Posted by Mrs. B 1 comments
Labels: Randoms
What does your name mean?
I saw this on Miss. Shortcake's blog and I thought it was cute..and a tad interesting. Thought I would share! What does your name mean??
What Jennifer Means |
You are fair, honest, and logical. You are a natural leader, and people respect you. You never give up, and you will succeed... even if it takes you a hundred tries. You are rational enough to see every part of a problem. You are great at giving other people advice. You are friendly, charming, and warm. You get along with almost everyone. You work hard not to rock the boat. Your easy going attitude brings people together. At times, you can be a little flaky and irresponsible. But for the important things, you pull it together. You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people. You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts. You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals. You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing. You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long. You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start. You are loving, compassionate, and ruled by your feelings. You are able to be a foundation for other people... but you still know how to have fun. Sometimes your emotions weigh you down, but you generally feel free from them. You are wild, crazy, and a huge rebel. You're always up to something. You have a ton of energy, and most people can't handle you. You're very intense. You definitely are a handful, and you're likely to get in trouble. But your kind of trouble is a lot of fun. |
What Michael Means |
You are confident, self assured, and capable. You are not easily intimidated. You master any and all skills easily. You don't have to work hard for what you want. You make your life out to be exactly how you want it. And you'll knock down anyone who gets in your way! You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing. You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long. You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start. You are very open. You communicate well, and you connect with other people easily. You are a naturally creative person. Ideas just flow from your mind. A true chameleon, you are many things at different points in your life. You are very adaptable. You are truly an original person. You have amazing ideas, and the power to carry them out. Success comes rather easily for you... especially in business and academia. Some people find you to be selfish and a bit overbearing. You're a strong person. You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection. You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive. You have the classic "Type A" personality. You are friendly, charming, and warm. You get along with almost everyone. You work hard not to rock the boat. Your easy going attitude brings people together. At times, you can be a little flaky and irresponsible. But for the important things, you pull it together. You are relaxed, chill, and very likely to go with the flow. You are light hearted and accepting. You don't get worked up easily. Well adjusted and incredibly happy, many people wonder what your secret to life is. |
Posted by Mrs. B 1 comments
Labels: Randoms
July 29, 2008
I hate dumb snobs...
I was in a little fender bender today. It has NOT been a good day! Today my good friend Natalia and I went to Portillo's for lunch. And as I was looking for my way out of my parking space, the guy to my left was letting me out so I can go on my merry way. I looked to my left and saw NO ONE....And Natalia also looked (out of habit) and she also saw NO ONE. But out of the blue this black Mercedes came out of no where and smacked right into me! This lady came at me like a crazy woman! Demanding I give her my insurance information, etc. I declined and said I would wait for the Police to arrive. When they did we gave them our statements and this lady continued to get in our face! The police office repeatedly had to tell her to get back into her vehicle! This lady was acting absolutely ridiculous! She was making a fool of herself and made herself look completely guilty (even though she repeatedly said it was MY fault). If she hadn't been on her cell phone and not going through the lanes of a parking lot at 30 miles an hour she would have NEVER hit me!
Natalia and I aren't hurt but we are pretty sore right now. We have stiff necks and a really bad headache. If it doesn't go away by tomorrow, we are going to take a trip to the doctor!!
She also notified my insurance before I even had a chance to! And is demanding that they pay for ALL of her damage and her deductible?! When I talked to my insurance they also think she is being unreasonable and want me to send them the pictures I took.......Take a look!
Now you tell me who was at fault! I didn't even make it a complete foot out of my parking spot! Note the cars next to me, how almost perfectly aligned we are. This lady was just in a rush and doesn't want to take the blame!
Stupid Old lady with a Mercedes!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Mrs. B 0 comments
Labels: Randoms
July 28, 2008
Lately I've been pretty stressed out about a lot of different things. Fr. Bart maybe not marrying us, certain girls in the bridal party not able to pay for their dresses, parents with lack of emotion, swamped at work...I think I could go on and on. This is a problem for me when I try to loose weight. I get into this state of depression...and I can't control it. And when I get depressed...all I want to do is eat, because I swear it makes me feel better.
If you have been reading my blog...2 months ago I was on a mission to loose 5o lbs. And I lost 25. HOWEVER..in the last 2 months I've put back on 10 lbs. And I can totally feel it and SEE it. It totally disgusts me. And I'm really disappointed in myself that I did all that work...for nothing!
So, I am on a NEW mission. I want to loose 35 lbs. Maybe even 40. Not so I will look pretty in my wedding dress...or a new swim suit. But because I want to get healthy...and get fit so I'm physically ready to have a baby shortly after we get married. And I want to live a long life and see our kids grow up. Considering I have to be on close monitoring when I get pregnant because of my Insulin Resistance...I want to make it as easy as possible on me, the baby and the doctors.
Wish me luck!!
Posted by Mrs. B 0 comments
Labels: weightloss
July 24, 2008
Booked our DJ!
We booked our DJ last night! WOO HOO!
We were extremely IMPRESSED by him. He gave us a FULL light and sound demonstration and showed us a wedding dvd full of his dj-ing. He is very professional..but also a LOT of fun! Hew has this awesome feature on his website called the Wedding Planner. You can plan everything from the introductions to any song you want played to toasts, etc. You need a different song for everything (ie; cake cutting, garter/bouquet toss). Crazy! But I love being hands on and not having to stress about a month before the wedding.
Things are coming along!
Posted by Mrs. B 0 comments
Labels: The Wedding
July 23, 2008
Ring holder?
I'm on a hunt to find a ring holder. Preferably a vintage one. I've been browsing the web and I have found some pretty nice ones for an affordable price.
I really want one of these fancy things because I take my rings off all the time. When I clean, take a shower, sleep, etc... I wouldn't EVER want to loose one of my rings...especially the one I most recently received . But I also thought this would be a nice gift for someone special too!
What does everyone think?? Comments welcome!
Also, does anyone know of a good store to look for these??
Posted by Mrs. B 1 comments
A few things about me!
What were you doing 10 years ago?
I was 15. Enjoying driving around all the time with my fresh drivers permit. And it was my first year working at the school district. I didn't like it at first, but I loved the paychecks! That year I also experienced "city life" when I stayed with my cousins in Chicago. I was a fun summer! But I wouldn't want to go back to that age even for a million bucks.
Favorite Snacks
chocolate chip cookies
potato chips and french quarter dip
To Do List
As for right now this is what my To-do list looks like: (Mostly wedding stuff!)
1. Create wedding website
2. Find my girls a necklace
3. Meet with a DJ tonight
4. Meet with Fr. Gary Aug. 14
5. Clean the house (again)
6. Start looking for possible photographers
7. Make sure the girls purchase their dresses soon
Today my list consists of the following:
1. Take a shower
2. Go to the doctor
3. Clean/organize the closets (hoepfully)
4. Meet with a DJ at 7pm.
Jobs I Have Had
Summer help/custodian, Customer Service Rep, Secretary, Receptionist, Hair Stylist and currently Accounts Payable.
Places I Have Lived
Waukegan, IL. And Kenosha, WI.
Bad Habits
Being lazy when I shouldn't be, not exercising enough, smoking, being indecisive..
5 Random Things People May Not Know
1) I clean my house daily...but will leave my car messy for months..
2) Mike and I LOVE to cook together and watch Food Network.
3) I've never been on a plane or outside the Midwest.
4) I had 3 eye surgeries and had 1 ear surgery under 5 years old.
5) My eye crosses when my contacts are out and I'm tired (I hate it)
CDs I would want if stranded on an island
I would bring random mixes I've created...a variety of music.
What I’d Do if I Were a Billionaire
1. Pay off debt
2. Buy a home
3. Buy a new car or 2
4. Give a few million to close family members
5. Backpack around Europe
6. Give money to different hospitals for cancer/Aids research
That's about it! If you're reading this then you are tagged!
Posted by Mrs. B 0 comments
Labels: Randoms
July 22, 2008
How do I love thee? Let me count the ways...
We have been SO antsy lately. We feel like the next 9 months are going to be s.l.o.w. So, we thought of something that will be fun till the wedding comes!
We have this glass bowl someone gave us and it sit next to a picture frame of us and our family. And I haven't figured out what to put in it. Until now!
Everyday until the wedding we are going to write 1 thing we love about each other. Every Friday we will pick 1 out and read it. But only 1! Then on our last month of our countdown we can read 1 every day. We are going to get green and brown paper (our wedding colors)...so we know which one we can look at. I will be green and Mike will be brown!
I thought this would be something fun we can do. Instead of the constant stressing about wedding stuff or work stuff. It will be a constant reminder of all the little things that made us fall in love...and reasons why we can't wait to be married! We will have quite a few extras for after the wedding, too. It will be an added daily treat as newlyweds!
So far, we only have a couple...
Posted by Mrs. B 1 comments
Labels: Love, The Wedding
July 21, 2008
I'm going to be a bridesmaid!
One of my best friends, Bella..is getting married January 31, 2009. And I am honored to say I get to be one of her bridesmaids!
Her and I had an awesome day Sunday. I highlighted/cut her hair..and then we went to David's Bridal to try on and but my bridesmaid dress! I absolutely LOVE the dress she picked! It is very comfortable and I think I will actually wear it again! I will have a 'little black dress'!
Here it is:It is so much fun planning a wedding with one of your best friends.
Posted by Mrs. B 0 comments
Labels: weddings
City Girl
Mike and I went to Chicago on Saturday. Every time we enter the city I get this overwhelming happy feeling....especially at the first glimpse of the Chicago skyline. I love the city, I wish we could live there!
We went to the Shed Aquarium and got in free! There was a family of 4 leaving and they handed us their membership tickets that they didn't use! I couldn't believe it! The line was 2 city blocks long.....we got SO lucky! We stop and looked at every exhibit...we love watching the Discovery channel..so watching the fishies and lizards up close and personal was awesome! Here are some pictures of some of our favorite creatures...
After the Shed we cruised around Chicago..and saw some cool stuff I've never really noticed before. I was taking pictures like a crazy tourist...but I couldn't help myself!
Posted by Mrs. B 0 comments
Labels: Randoms
July 16, 2008
I finally made a decision!
Can you believe it? I truly can't! I am SO indecisive! I am positive I drove my girls crazy with all the different dresses I made them look at! But I finally found the one!
I debated over posting things about the wedding...because I thought I should make everything a surprise. But I have fun posting these things. I use this blog as a live journal, and I want to look back a year from now and read about all my planning excursions (good or bad). So, I decided to post as much as I can without ruining ALL the surprises! (and it saves a lot of long phone calls!)
Here it is!It should be flattering for all my girls. And if any of them become pregnant by my wedding (knock on wood!) it will still fit them all! Ha! I was unsure about the color because I had my heart set on olive. But I really like how neutral this color is. And it will really go with my 'vintage' theme. I'm using very neutral colors, ivory, sage and brown.
Both MY dress and their dresses come in 6-8 months from now. I still can't believe how long we have to wait!
What do you think? Do you like it?
Posted by Mrs. B 1 comments
Labels: The Wedding
July 14, 2008
My Birthday wish
I've been so overwhelmed the last 2 days, worrying about WHO will marry me and Mike. Fr. Bart is still thinking about it. We won't know his answer for another 2 weeks. And I've put a lot of thought into this. Who cares is he doesn't do it?! I don't anymore. It will be his loss, not ours.
So...I decided to call Fr. Gary who is the pastor of the church we are getting married at. We have an appointment with him August 14. 3 days before my birthday. My birthday wish (even if it's bad luck to say..) is that Fr. Gary agrees to marry us. It's the only thing I want this year for my birthday. I don't care about fancy cakes or presents. I just want a priest to promise to marry us.
Please pray for us. Or at least cross your fingers, if you're not into praying.
This whole experience has made me realize it doesn't matter what our stupid centerpieces look like, or what flowers I choose. All that matters is Mike and I say I do on May 2, 2009.
Posted by Mrs. B 1 comments
Labels: The Wedding
July 13, 2008
Wedding hair
I've always thought I wanted my hair down for the wedding...however...I don't want my veil on top of my head. I want it more at the crown of my head. So, here are some ideas I found.What do you think?
Posted by Mrs. B 1 comments
Labels: The Wedding
Sometime last week I learned that Fr. Bart (my uncle whom I asked to marry us) might not be able to marry us. Why? Because we live together. And in ancient Catholic teachings living together is forbidden. This upsets me because so many Catholic couples get married everyday that have lived together. Because modern day teaching are more lenient. As long as the couple follows in God's way...then living together is not an issue. So, why is Fr. Bart stuck in ancient times?
We met with Fr. Bart Saturday morning. He asked us lots of questions like, how we met, how long we have been together, why we love each other, what problems we have faced... And he told us the meaning/rules of a Catholic marriage.
1. Divorce is not an option
2. No adultery in any form. No flirting, nothing.
3. Dominion over each others bodies. 2 become 1. For example..If I get mad at Mike for not cleaning the dishes I can't hold out on sex. We have control over each others bodies and cannot restrict each other for any reason.
4. Must have children. And must be able to conceive. No form of birth control can be used.
5. Finances become one. And we have to talk to each other about big finances, etc.
Then he started talking about sacrifices. And marriage is all about making sacrifices for one another. He gave us examples like; your son Billy needs to go to soccer practice and I want to go get my nails done and Mike wants to work on the car with my Dad. One of us has to make the sacrifice and pick up Billy. (My thought on that was....DUH.) But I know what he was trying to get at. He was implying that one of us needs to suck it up (OR make a sacrifice) and move out so we are able to get married by Fr. Bart. He went on and on about sacrifices. I started making arguments about how its almost impossible for Mike to separate. Mike doesn't have a drivers license, so am his ride to work and every where else he needs to go. And how Grandma and I would absolutely kill each other (without a doubt) if I moved back in with her. I mentioned that we could sleep in separate rooms until the wedding. His response was temptation will be lurking 24/7 and that was not an option. Then Mike mentioned to me....that what if he goes and lives with him Mom until the wedding. Right then I wanted to SCREAM.
See the point is I don't think it is right for him or for anyone else to force us to live apart. What's done is done. We already lived together for 3 years. You can't undo the past. And if Mike and I want to have sex if he moves out...we will find a way. So..honestly what is the point?! If I make a promise to God that I will abstain from sex until the marriage...then whats the big deal. It's my soul that will be going to hell. Not Fr. Bart's. Another question I have is Why do other priests not have a problem marrying couples who are living together? I think this whole thing is ridiculous. And its heartbreaking to think my uncle/God-father might not marry me and Mike.
Fr. Bart wants to think about this for the next couple weeks, he has not made a decision yet. And he told us to think about sacrifices. And call him in 2 weeks to set up another appointment.
I want to scream. Seriously. Fucking scream. I have made plenty of sacrifices over the last 4 years with Mike. I see this more of an inconvenience. Not a sacrifice. And even if he does move out, I promise you he will be staying here more than at his mom's. So, again...what is the point?!
I am going to think this over. But I also know I'm going to get another opinion from a different priest. The pastor from the church we are getting married at. Fr. Bart did ask me to talk to another priest for 'guidance'. And guidance it will be.
Posted by Mrs. B 1 comments
Labels: Marriage
July 12, 2008
My Wedding Dress!
It has been bought and ordered! I can't even believe it! I was really worried I wouldn't find a dress I absolutely loved or even feel comfortable in. And I did! I am so grateful! And SO excited! It should come in between January and March 2009. It stinks I have to wait that long, but at least I don't have to worry about storing it.
I truly will never forget this day. It was everything I have dreamed of.
I invited Grams, My aunts Therese and Patty, my cousin/bridesmaid Annie and one of best friends/ bridesmaid April. There were 2 that I needed to try on one more time to get a second opinion. The 1st one I had on for about 2 minutes. They were all oohhing and awwing But I was thinking when can I take this damn thing off!
The 2nd one. Was a whole different story. I couldn't wait to shimmy myself into it. And when I saw myself in it for the 2nd time I couldn't stop staring at myself. It was a crazy feeling. When I came out to show everyone...everyone was quiet. I almost started to panic that no one liked it. Until my cousin Annie let out this SCREAM and ran up to me saying THIS IS THE ONE! And THEN everyone was like Yes, Jenny it's SO beautiful. The look in their eyes and the smiles on their faces were amazing. I had this dress on for about 3 hours. It felt like 5 minutes. I went walking to natural light to 'reception' lighting. Each time April lifted my train..I truly felt like a princess. It sounds so crazy...I know. But until you try on a wedding dress you absolutely love, you won't know the feeling. I promise you.
When it came to trying on the veil..I wasn't really havin' it. I really don't like the veil on top on my head. And I figured out that I like my hair half up/half down, with the veil behind the hair that is half up. My aunt Therese suggested I try no veil and just the headpiece. My Grandma SNAPPED off. Talking about how WE ARE CATHOLIC..etc. I had to take Margie (my sales lady) aside and apologize. It was so embarrassing! But not every day can be perfect!
If you want details about the dress email me. I don't want Mike to know any details! He needs to be surprised!
My recruitment of girls that came with me were fabulous. Everyone was so helpful. I am so glad I had these gals come with me. I wouldn't of wanted it any other way.
We found a designer with the right color for the bridesmaid dress, too! I will save that for another post.
Posted by Mrs. B 0 comments
Labels: The Wedding
July 7, 2008
Quick and Easy dinner.
It was my fiancé's first day at his new jobby job today. And my first 10 hour day of the summer. I am exhausted. Not only was I really busy today...but from sleeping so much over the weekend I couldn't fall asleep last night. I think I managed about 4 hours of sleep. I definitely cannot wait to go to sleep tonight!
So..with that...I decided it was going to be easy dinner night! (This is also a no-carb option - yet one of my favs!)
I call it....
Jen's Quick Parmesan Chicken
2-4 skinless/boneless chicken breasts
1 can of Diced or stewed Tomatos-with Basil, Garlic and Oregano
1 tablespoon olive oil
shredded mozzarella cheese
(Instead of the diced tomatoes you could use any spaghetti sauce you prefer, too)
First, heat olive oil in skillet on medium heat. Add chicken and and brown on both sides (about 5-6 minutes). Second, add your can of diced/stewed tomatoes. Bring to a boil and let simmer (covered) about 30 minutes or until done. And if you want, sprinkle a little mozzarella cheese over the chicken 5 minutes before it's done.
You can have pasta along with the chicken or any veggie you like. Or nothing at all. Tonight I will be having a salad!
The whole process should take less than 45. And it gives you time to do other thing while its cooking! And you don't have to turn your stove on...this helps out in the summer when it's already 85 degrees in your house!
This is for you Bella...I know you were in a dinner rut not too long ago! Hope you enjoy it!
Posted by Mrs. B 1 comments
Labels: recipes
July 6, 2008
Blockbuster Night
We rented some movies last night...And they were SO good! It was nice to just relax on the couch and watch some movies. We haven't had a night like that in a while....it was well needed!
Posted by Mrs. B 0 comments
Labels: Randoms
July 5, 2008
Nail biting.
I've quit biting my nails! I didn't think I could do it! But it has been 3 months now! Don't they look good??!! I promised Mike I would quit because it really irritated him..and I did! It's actually a hard thing to stop doing. I never noticed when I did it...and Mike would yell "Get your fingers out of your mouth!". Then people at work started noticing and saying the same thing! How embarrassing!!!!I hope I can keep them this nice forever...or at least until the wedding. I do not want fake nails again. They are so annoying. I've been getting a manicure every week. Because if the paint chips or I get hang nail..I will be sure to start picking then biting again! It's definitely worth the $15 a week!
Posted by Mrs. B 0 comments
Labels: Randoms
Baby Connor
Mike and I got some practicing in today! We babysat my soon to be God-son Connor. Connor is my good friend Devon's baby. He is 8 weeks old. He is such a good baby! He was awake most of the time, and never cried! We had so much fun! This was Mike's first time holding a baby this small...he was really nervous, but he did great!

I was sad to see him leave! :( I told Devon and Tony to go do things more often so we could watch him!
Posted by Mrs. B 0 comments
Labels: family
July 4, 2008
Happy 4th Of July!
Wishing everyone a SAFE and HAPPY 4th!
We got our bed today! YAY! I cannot wait to sleep tonight!
We are on our way to Summefest...Woo Hoo!!!!
Posted by Mrs. B 0 comments
Labels: Randoms
Friday night Date..
Mike and I went on a date Friday night! It was so nice! I was so hyped up and excited from dress shopping...I couldn't stop rambling! But Mike is so great..he just kept smiling and listening! We had a lot of fun!
First we went to Outback Steakhouse (our FAV!) and had our 'regular', Kookaburo wings, mushrooms and a steak. (I'm 'no carbing' again...so I can loose some more weight.)
Then we went to the Bally Muck (local bar)to have a couple drinks...We played a few games of darts. And met some cool people. We haven't been out to a bar in a long time, but we always have a good time..even without getting drunk.
I cannot wait to marry this guy!
Posted by Mrs. B 0 comments
Labels: Love
Shopping with Grams
My Grams and I went dress shopping yesterday..and Boy Oh Boy it was fun!!! Her and I CLASH a lot sometimes, but it was great! We had a long drive there and back, had lunch and talked wedding stuff! It was a lot of fun!
Best part is I think I found MY dress!!!!! It has been really hard to find what I'm looking for. I don't want to be the bride you see in every magazine and in every picture. You know, the cookie cutter brides. The ones that are strapless..etc. I've always wanted to be different. I want sleeves...which NO ONE seems to have... And I want it to look vintage yet modern. And this dress I picked is all of the above! Can't go into much details...don't want the FI to see! Also, the place I went to Brides by Demetrios...was so clean and so nice. And its ONE designer, so they have a HUGE variety. The lady who helped me, Margie...was such a doll! She treated me like a Queen. She pulled dresses that she thought suited my style (And shortness..) And catered to my every need. She also was so personable. We talked the whole time. She was absolutely fabulous!
Grams offered to pay for my dress as my wedding present. She is so sweet! I am so lucky to have such a great family.
We have a 2nd appointment next Friday to (hopefully) purchase the dress. But then I have to wait 6-8 months for it! That is such a long time!
Everything is becoming more real everyday...it's crazy. But also SO exciting! We have 10 months to go...and exactly 302 more days! :)
Posted by Mrs. B 1 comments
Labels: family
July 2, 2008
Introducing Our Wedding Party!
These are the people MOST important in our wedding and in our lives...
Matron Of Honor: Bella H. - she is one of my best friends. She has helped me do so much already...and has dealt with my crazy panic episodes...I trust her with absolutely everything. I would be lost without her. I cannot wait for her to stand next to me on my very special day!
Bridemaid/Honor Attendant: Devon P. - We have been best friends for almost 12 years. It wouldn't be the same if she wasn't standing up with me.
Bridesmaid: Michelle S. - My sister. No explanation needed.
Bridesmaid: Annie W. -little cousin. I use to change her diapers and play barbies with this one!
Bridesmaid: Veronica J. -little cousin. Her and I are so much alike its unreal. I also use to change her diapers....and she also liked to run away from me! Bare butted!
Bridesmaid: April H. -great friend. Mike and her have been friends for over 15 years. And we have become really close in the last couple years. I swear we live parallel lives, we are so much alike. And she is such a great help with everything. Again, it wouldn't be the same without her.
Flower girl: Mahala P.-Devon's daughter and my soon to be God-daughter.
Best Man: Rob H. -Mike's Best friend for 15+ years. This kid has been there for him through everything.
Groomsman: Chris A. -another best friend.
Groomsman: Gary H. -Rob's brother and another partner in crime!
Groomsman: Anthony B.-Mike's oldest brother
Groomsman: Jeff B. -Mike's older brother
Groomsman: Mike S. -my Brother...they have become really close over the last 4 years!
Ring bearer: Nathan A. -Chris's son.
Ushers: Luke W., Jimi W., Nate J. (my cousins) and Joel E. (my best guy friend..he is a brother to me)
And last but not least our Priest.
Uncle Father Bart....
(Yes, he likes to pass out on the kitchen table. Good thing it's not the altar!)
Posted by Mrs. B 1 comments
Labels: The Wedding