It all started last Friday when I picked up my dress from Brides by Demetrios. I can't put in to words how much I love my dress. It's going to be an agonizing 3 months before my first fitting. I just might have to go visit her and try her on a few times in between...
On Thursday, Mike and I headed over to The Country Squire-where our reception will be-to finalize our menu. Pick out our FABULOUS cake. Pick out our linens. Got our seating plans. Planned a 'kid's room'. Oh how very exciting is was to talk about it and plan this all out! I'm working on an ispiriation board..and hopefully it will be at the bottom of this post!
Yesterday, I received a phone call from Demetrios (again) telling me my bridesmaid dresses are in! Yipppeee!! They previously told me they might not be here until April and well let just say I wasn't too happy about that. So, them coming early is such a wonderful surprise! We have 2 weeks to pick them up. I just can't wait to see them in person! The suspense is killing me!
And over the last a couple days I've picked out our cake topper. Thanks to all of you-my blogger friends!!! Thank you for all the comments! I truly appreciate it! It's helped tremendously!
Everything feels like it's coming into place now. For last few months, I've sort of been taking a 'break' from planning because there wasn't much to do. It was a nice little break. But now it feels like we are FULL STEAM AHEAD! And it's just the best thrilling feeling in the world! It;s all so exciting..and I'm taking everything in day by day. I will never forget all these wonderful memories.
I'm so happy I've joined this wonderful's truly a blessing to meet such wonderful and beautiful brides!
Here is a little preview of what our wedding will look like.... (I'm a newbie at making these collages..)

Bottom; Country Squire, unknown, Bridal People, Country Squire, The knot
PS: Does anyone know where those shoes are from!?? I lost the source and it's driving me crazy! I really want to purchase them!
I like the cake topper.
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