I came home last night and was lucky enough to be carrying in hand our bridesmaid dresses! I was so excited!!

No you don't understand. I was really excited.
(Mike looks thrilled, right?!)I tried on Bella's (MOH) dress. And had a bandaid (with Neosporin in it).
Something horrible happened.
I can't believe I did this.

Is it noticeable? I swear it seems more noticeable in pictures. Maybe because I've been hyperventilating since it happened....I'm delusional now.
The dry cleaner told me if I spot clean it-it will leave spots. And if I have it dry cleaned it might fade-and they can't guarentee the spot will come out.
What do I do now? I'm going to call a few different dry cleaner's in my area.
(Does anyone know of a good dry cleaner in the Northern Chicago suburbs?????)I feel horrible. It's not my dress. Bella paid good money (almost $200) for this dress. I want this spot(s) to come out!!!!
I could buy her a new dress and have it rushed delivered.
To me-I wouldn't care if she wore it like that. I don't think it's too terribly bad. But I feel so horrible.
I'm going to make it my mission to fix it.
I'm open to any and all suggestions.
Why me. I have the worst luck.