August 31, 2008
I have the best co-workers.
Mike and I have been babysitting for a co-worker/friend of mine for about a year now. I've known her for about 9 years now, since I've been working at the School District since I was 14. She and I work together in the business office. She has 2 boys...Colin is 1 and Brian is 3. We always have so much fun babysitting for them. Her and her husband are great. She was the first person to get me an engagement gift. I love it, and use it all the time. She is always there for me...when I need to vent about certain things. She is just a genuinely great friend.Friday night we babysat for them and when they got home we were talking about the wedding..and she knew I was trying to keep things old fashion (or vintage) and I mentioned something about mason jars. She took me into her basement and showed me her 10-15 boxes of mason jars!!!! She has offered to let me use them for our wedding! They are original ANTIQUE mason jars. These things are on EBay for $36 a piece! I am ever so grateful! She says they are just cluttering up her basement. But when I told her how much they were worth...she said she would like them back! LOL!
She has all different sizes and colors. She gave me 3 to KEEP...so I can play with them. Check them out!!! They are in mint condition.
Not sure what I am going to do with them yet. But I have lots of ideas. I don't want to share too much with you....I want to keep it a surprise! But you will definitely see these beauties at our wedding!
Posted by Mrs. B 0 comments
Labels: Friends
August 30, 2008
I {heart} these bouquets
Now that all my vendors have been chosen and booked. I can relax and get on the more FUN stuff....like bouquets! I've always wanted a white bouquet. And at first I thought I wanted calla lilies. However, I want a more classic (or vintage) bouquet.
No roses (too popular) and it must be 'round'. It sounds easy...but it's actually hard to find. There are so many pretty flowers.
Like the Dahlia....it's so pretty and different..
Posted by Mrs. B 0 comments
Labels: flowers
August 28, 2008
Honey I had an affair...
He was charming, intriguing, witty, a hopeless romantic.....
His name?
Nicholas Sparks.
Oh, how I love thee....
I just got done reading his latest book. The Choice.
It was a great book. I'm a sucker for his books. I have ALL of them on hard cover. I don't always read love stories...they all seem to be cheesy. But not his. Once I start reading I can NOT put it down!
If you look at his site...he has a new book coming out next month! O.M.G.! I cannot wait!!
By the way, he was the writer of the books/movies A Walk to Remember and The Notebook. I read the books long before the movies came out. Which brings me to my next (exciting) point....There is another movie coming out...based on a book he wrote...Nights of Rodanthe. I can't wait for it to come out. It is staring Richard Gere. One of my all time favorite actors!
Here is a trailer for you all...
Posted by Mrs. B 0 comments
August 27, 2008
Public Apology.
I have to ask you... Was my post 'It WILL Change' a negative post? Was I degrading my Mom? I thought I stressed on how I defended her all my life. Didn't I????
Why Am I asking you all these (stupid) questions?? Because I didn't get a great response from my Mom. But I don't know why. I didn't make any false statements. Nor did I say negative things about my Mom. All my statements were true.
However, I love my Mom....And I wanted to dedicate this post to her. I'm sorry Mom.
And Please tell me what was so horrible about the post. And when did you start reading??? There must have been someone who read into it too much and got you all worked up...
PS: This is NOT a popularity contest. I don't care WHO reads my blog. I post things because I enjoy it. It's my own personal public journal. Whoever wants to read is welcome. And if you don't like it. Don't read it.
This isn't a place to start drama.
Posted by Mrs. B 1 comments
August 26, 2008
Photographer {Check!}
We signed the contract and sent the deposit in today! Woo Hoo!!
It wasn't that hard of a decision. I've been drooling over their website for a few months now..ever since I got a referral from a dear co-worker of mine.
Our consultation was fabulous! She wasn't pushy at all and she was extremely informative. (Bonus points!) And the slideshow of my photographer was also amazing. And they were voted The Best Knot Pick 2007! They have an all-inclusive package....that includes free: 12 hours of coverage, no photo count limitations, album design, proof book, digital negatives, 16x20 gallery canvas and a chance to know our photographer. And I just found out they recently added a scrapbook!! Yay! Their expertise is in photojournalism, and that is what we were looking for. I'm not into 'traditional" photos. They are just too boring!
Posted by Mrs. B 0 comments
Labels: The Wedding
August 24, 2008
It WILL change.
When we met with Fr. Bart a month or so ago...something he said has made me think a lot lately. He asked "What will change once we are married since we are living together?" I answered it like this..."Everything. We will be married not just 2 people living together...we will have babies, and depend on each other for a life time." But now that I keep thinking about it...it's frustrating to me. Why does he think just because we are cohabiting that nothing will change?! That enrages me.
We aren't getting married for good health benefits or a good tax break. And yes we are living together because we are helping each other out. Mike needs transportation, and we both are saving money. (and because I just can't live without him..) We are getting married because this is the next step in our relationship. We are ready to take the plunge to that life long commitment, to make a covenant to God that we will love each other unconditionally. Our public declaration of Mr. and Mrs. of our commitment together. We want to have children....which takes things to a whole new level. To us everything is going to change. And I can't wait!
Marriage is very important to me. My parents were divorced when I was at a very young age. I didn't have the best emotional childhood. The divorce itself never affected me. But the things that came from the divorce did. I lived with Grandparents stuck in the 1950's and a over protective Father. And everyone hated my Mother. I had to listen to my whole family degrading my Mother and even physically fighting with her. This hurt me...no words can describe how badly. My Mom may have done a few horrible things, but it gave no right for anyone to place judgment upon her and had no right talking so horribly about her to me. I should have grown up hating my Mom. But I didn't. I defended her every chance I got. They all said I would be just like her....so another words degrading me..in their own sick way. I spent a lot of nights crying myself to sleep. I'm over it. Things have changed. As I grew older they realized I was a pretty smart cookie. My Dad and I have become very close over the last few years, and I am grateful. My Grandma and I finally get along....and me and the rest of my family are even closer. I am so glad. And relieved. I never would imagined that we would. And that's a sad thought.
My point is...I will NEVER get divorced. I don't want my children going through what I went through. No I wasn't beaten or molested..or anything like that. But I grew up having a HORRIBLE self-esteem. Which I still struggle with today. I grew up with my own beliefs and my own opinions. Which I am so thankful for. I vowed to myself I would never marry someone that I wasn't completely 100% in love with. And whom I didn't completely trust 100%. I also saw how bad my Mom hurt my Dad. He never said anything, but I could just tell. I saw it in his eyes....sometimes they way he walked and talked. He never remarried. He always said he didn't need anyone else....I was the most important person in his life. Yes. My Dad is the greatest person I know. I love him dearly. It saddens me that he had to hurt so badly and for so long. He is ok now...but it took a long time. But it also makes me happy to give him a 'new' son. And new addition to our family...and I know he is happy too. Even if he jokes that Mike is taking his little girl away...
Everything will change once we say our vows and say 'I do'. And I am (im)patiently waiting. We are so very excited to take this huge step as husband and wife.
How was that for an answer Fr. Bart??
PS. Sorry for such a long post. I told you I like to ramble sometimes....!
Posted by Mrs. B 1 comments
August 23, 2008
Day 1
I've joined FitDay. It is a free online calorie counter and diet journal. I am a visual kind of person...and need help staying focused. I did so well when I joined the South Beach Online tool. But that is too expensive! I NEED to loose some weight as I previously stated before. I want to be healthy...and happy with the skin I'm in. I'm doing this for myself...not to look pretty in my wedding dress (although that will be a plus!). I know I can do this. All I really need to do is loose 30 pounds...and I will be at a healthy weight. So, I am counting on Fitday to help me!
Here is goes....Day 1 and strong.
Posted by Mrs. B 0 comments
Labels: weightloss
Greatest MOH Ever!
I am so lucky to have such great friends.
Last night Mike and I met Bella and Ryan at the movies to see Dark Knight...as a birthday celebration. (I have been excited all week to go!) And Ryan was so sneaky...he paid for our tickets! He did not have to do that...but he is SO sweet and thoughtful! We got seated in the theater and Bella handed me a present.I got so excited to see what it was! It is a ring holder! I've been wanting one of these for so long!
I have to say I am so grateful to have such a wonderful best friend as Bella. And Ryan (her fiance) is the sweetest! I'm so glad I can call Ryan my friend too. I am so happy that they found each other, they are a match made in heaven. I wouldn't trade these 2 for the world. Not just because she bought me an awesome present and paid for my movie tickets...they are the most thoughtful and sweetest people I know. Words can't describe how much I love Bella. I truly cherish our friendship. This is why I chose her as my MOH!
Posted by Mrs. B 1 comments
August 19, 2008
My Inspiration
As a little girl I would browse my Grandparent's wedding album over and over again. Drooling over all the pretty lace and tiny 'simple' details. Growing up I always knew I'd want a vintage dress...and a vintage style wedding. Old 1956 Chevy picking us up at the church...all my girls wearing cute little boleros. Long traditional veil...The works. I even thought I'd have a winter wedding with a white fur wrap and hand muffs. Now I think.. OVER KILL! But it would have been lovely. However, I'm not a millionaire. And already think I've spent enough of my Dad's money. What I have so far is PERFECT. And our wedding will be perfect...even with some minor 'mishaps'!
Now I want to share some old wedding photos from my Grandma and my Busia (Great-Grandma in Polish).

Here are some random photos that I adore..........

(note: this is the church I'm getting married at)

Aren't the professional pictures done in the 1950's amazing for their time?
Here is their 50th Anniversary.
May 12, 2006

(Right to left- Flower Girl, Groom, Bride, MOH, 3 BM and the Best Man)
How awesome is that!?!!
I hope we are married for 50 years!!!!!!
Posted by Mrs. B 1 comments
I saw someone viewed me from Technorati and I learned its a fun site to view blogs. And maybe even get me a little popular. Maybe. (if I keep things interesting...)
To activate I had to post this.
Technorati Profile
Lame post.
Sorry peeps.
Posted by Mrs. B 0 comments
August 17, 2008
Happy Birthday to Me!!
This weekend has been a nice big Birthday celebration! I turned 26 today! I can't believe I'm 26..holy cow! It seems old..but I don't feel old at all! It's also my last birthday as a 'single' woman! Ha!
Friday night we went to my Mom's for dinner and cake..Yum-O! I got 2 bottles of my favorite liquor and some smell good stuff! I told them no presents! Obviously they don't listen! But I am so grateful! We went out to 1 of my favorite bars downtown and I got sick off of too many Jamaican Long Island Ice Teas! ugh! But it was a blast!
Saturday I was pretty hungover. But I toughed it out! My future in-laws took me and Mike out to a birthday dinner at Olive Garden! Yummmy!!!!!
And today (my actual birthday) I get to spend the day with my favorite boy! Mikey!
So far, he took me out to breakfast at the Dog House. You must try that place! It's SO good! I've gotten a manicure. And I am going to start on my new scrapbook (with all my fun accessories!) Mikey bought me. Oh he also bought me a purse (in white) and wallet from Aldo. And the new book by Emily Giffin 'Love The One Your With'..she is one of my favorite authors! We are on our way to another Birthday dinner to Outback (also 1 of my favs).
It's been an awesome Birthday spending time with all the people I love!
Posted by Mrs. B 0 comments
Labels: family
August 16, 2008
My 'Fairy' God-Mother
Meet my (fairy) God-Mother, Auntie Therese! She has been by my side since I started planning our wedding. She has a son and will never have a daughter to plan a wedding with..so she really wants to help me! Yay for me! She made all my Halloween costumes when I was little. She is a sewing machine!
I decided to make a Guest Book Quilt instead of an actual book. At first, I wanted a serving dish for everyone to sign but with the amount of guest we having I knew it wouldn't work. And no one looks at their guest book. It gets thrown in a box and you don't look at it again until your grandchildren find it someday (This is what happened to my Grandma's anyway!). So, I found this idea from a blog I'm subscribed to. And I fell in love! I thought it will be so nice to put this quilt on display so we can see it everyday! And it also incorporates with my vintage theme! Auntie Therese has granted me a wish to make this lovely quilt. So..we made a trip to Joann Fabrics to find some fabric, materials and a pattern for the quilt. It was so much fun picking colors and fabrics! Instead of using a plain quilt pattern we are kicking it up a notch..We found a quilt that will fold into a pillow!This is so exciting to me because I have an antique shelf display and I would love to put this pillow on it! What else is neat is the front of the pillow will be Mike and I's signature and our wedding date. Maybe even a picture of us(...if we can figure out how to do that!).
Here are the colors I have chosen. They are our wedding colors.The brown will be the back of the quilt and the ivory and sage will be the quilting blocks on the front. The blocks will be pre-cut for people to sign at the wedding.
We are so excited to get started on our little project!!!
Posted by Mrs. B 0 comments
Labels: The Wedding
August 13, 2008
Need to get back on track.
I think I realized why I've been in a gloomy funk lately. I feel so horribly fat and ugly. I have no one to blame than myself. (And maybe all my co-workers having birthdays..and the delicious baked goods they have been bringing in...) And MY birthday is coming up-that means more delicious yummy baked goods + Birthday dinners 3 nights in a row. Friday= Mom's house: Brats and homemade fries (my fav), Saturday: Birthday dinner with the future in-laws at Olive Garden, and Sunday (my actual Birthday) I get to have dinner with my beloved fiance...to our 1 of our favorite places the Outback Steakhouse.
If I had some great willpower I could order salads from every place. However, it's my birthday...and I believe the birthday-girl should have whatever she wants. So...I will definitely be putting more weight on over the weekend. (Hopefully not too much)
I've been trying to eat right everyday for the last 2 weeks. And for the most part I have been. AND I've been exercising. But ever since I lost that 25 pounds (3 months ago) and then put 10 pounds back on...it's gotten me down. Like I have said in previous posts...I want to get healthy (not skinny)...but I also want to look good for my wedding AND my good friend Bella's wedding.
I guess what I'm saying is..I have to get back into the groove. I have AWESOME willpower when I put my mind to something...especially loosing weight. Hey..I figure if I can loose over 100 pounds in a year, I can loose 30 in 8 months...right? Not only do I look better when I loose weight, but I feel better. Not just physically but emotionally too. I get so depressed sometimes. I stinks! I'm usually OVERLY excited about my Birthday every year...and with 4 days away..I'm STILL waiting for that excitement to come.
Just venting/rambling.......
Thanks for listening.
Posted by Mrs. B 0 comments
Labels: weightloss
I want to retire.
This is how I felt ALL day (at work)..

I've been in such a weird mood lately.
I hope I get out of this funk soon! 4 days until my Birthday!
Posted by Mrs. B 1 comments
Labels: Randoms
How to WHAT?!!
I have to post this because I think it's darn right hilarious. And you can't tell me you never have had these thoughts! Come on!
I have a confession: I will not poo in a public restroom. I will wait until I'm home or in a private restroom. This may lead to some problems when I'm older....
***Warning: Gross content
We've all been there but don't like to admit it. We've all kicked back
in our cubicles and suddenly felt something brewing down below. As much as
we try to convince ourselves otherwise, the WORK POO is inevitable. For
those who hate pooing at work, following is the Survival Guide for taking a
dump at work.
CROP DUSTING: When farting, you walk briskly around the office so the
smell is not in your area and everyone else gets a whiff but doesn't know
where it came from. Be careful when you do this. Do not stop until the full
fart has been expelled. Walk an extra 30 feet to make sure the smell has
left your pants.
FLY BY : The act of scouting out a bathroom before pooing. Walk in and
check for other pooers. If there are others in the bathroom, leave and
come back again. Be careful not to become a FREQUENT FLYER. People may
become suspicious if they catch you constantly going into the bathroom.
ESCAPEE : - A fart that slips out while taking a leak at the urinal or
forcing a poop in a stall. This is usually accompanied by a sudden wave
of embarrassment. If you release an escapee, do not acknowledge it.
Pretend it did not happen. If you are standing next to the farter in the urinal,
pretend you did not hear it. No one likes an escapee. It is
uncomfortable for all involved. Making a joke or laughing makes both parties feel
JAILBREAK : - When forcing a poo, several farts slip out at a machine
gun pace. This is usually a side effect of diarrhea or a hangover. If this
should happen, do not panic. Remain in the stall until everyone has
left the bathroom to spare everyone the awkwardness of what just occurred.
COURTESY FLUSH : - The act of flushing the toilet the instant the poo
hits the water. This reduces the amount of air time the poo has to stink up
the bathroom. This can help you avoid being caught doing the WALK OF SHAME.
WALK OF SHAME : - Walking from the stall, to the sink, to the door
after you have just stunk up the bathroom. This can be a very uncomfortable
moment if someone walks in and busts you. As with farts, it is best to
pretend that the smell does not exist. Can be avoided with the use of
OUT OF THE CLOSET POOER : - A colleague who poos at work and is damn
proud of it. You will often see an Out Of The Closet Pooer enter the bathroom
with a newspaper or magazine under his or her arm. Always look around
theoffice for the Out Of The Closet Pooer before entering the bathroom.
THE POOING FRIENDS NETWORK (P.F.N) : - A group of co-workers who band
together to ensure emergency pooing goes off without incident. This
group can help you to monitor the whereabouts of Out Of The Closet Pooers,
and identify SAFE HAVENS.
SAFE HAVENS : - A seldom used bathroom somewhere in the building where
you can least expect visitors. Try floors that are predominantly of the
opposite sex. This will reduce the odds of a pooer of your sex entering the
TURD BURGLAR : - Someone who does not realize that you are in the stall
and tries to force the door open. This is one of the most shocking and
vulnerable moments that can occur when taking a poo at work. If this
occurs, remain in the stall until the Turd Burglar leaves. This way you
will avoid all uncomfortable eye contact.
CAMO-COUGH : - A phoney cough that alerts all new entrants into the
bathroom that you are in a stall. This can be used to cover-up a
WATERMELON, or to alert potential Turd Burglars. Very effective when
used in conjunction with an ASTAIRE.
ASTAIRE : - A subtle toe-tap that is used to alert potential Turd
Burglars that you are occupying a stall. This will remove all doubt that the
stall is occupied. If you hear an Astaire, leave the bathroom immediately so
the pooer can poo in peace.
WATERMELON : - A poo that creates a loud splash when hitting the toilet
water. This is also an embarrassing incident. If you feel a Watermelon
coming on, create a diversion. See CAMO-COUGH.
HAVANA OMELETTE : - A case of diarrhea that creates a series of loud
splashes in the toilet water. Often accompanied by an Escapee. Try
using Camo-Cough with an Astaire.
UNCLE TED : - A bathroom user who seems to linger around forever. Could
spend extended lengths of time in front of the mirror or sitting on the
pot. An Uncle Ted makes it difficult to relax while on the crapper, as
you should always wait to poo when the bathroom is empty. This benefits you
as well as the other bathroom attendees.
Posted by Mrs. B 0 comments
August 8, 2008
Early Birthday present!
My early birthday present arrived today! It was ordered from JustJen.com-not only is this the world's cutest shirt...but it came from a great named website
Mike did not want it to have his name last...because he thinks of Mrs. B as his Mom. And we don't want him looking at me while thinking of his Mom! So..the next best thing was Mrs. Mikey B. This is the nickname name ALL his friends call him. It fits perfectly! He says I have to wear it every day until we get married. Silly boy!
Posted by Mrs. B 0 comments
Labels: Randoms
Decor ideas
I really want to incorporate a 'vintage' style centerpiece for the guest tables. And I've been browsing around and I've found a few things. I'm mainly posting this so I don't forget..but to also get some opinions! So, please give me your input!
The following items are from this source.I love them all. And I am the most indecisive person I know. So..this will take a long time! But you're input will help a lot! I won't give you my final decision as I want to keep some things a secret. But I love to share findings with you all!
Note: I have given up on the floral centerpieces. Flowers die...and they are so expensive.
Posted by Mrs. B 1 comments
Labels: The Wedding
August 7, 2008
August 6, 2008
9 Months to go!
We have 9 months left! It's still a super long time to wait..but time is ticking! I think the first couple months were the most stressful because I found out EVERYONE wants to get married May 2009...and everything booked up fast!
Here is what we have so far:
Ceremony Location (church)
Our Officiant (Finally!)
Reception Location
My wedding dress
The bridesmaid dresses
All I'm worried about now is the photographer. We have an appointment at this place on Saturday. And my good friend Bella loved them..so we have our fingers crossed!
The rest is smooth sailing until about January. That is when we start finalizing the menu, the flowers, dress alteration..etc.....
Everything about planning has been fun so far. Even throughout all the stress of finding a priest. It's going to be worth it in the end! We look forward to putting all the little pieces together until January! Mike has been so great about helping me and putting in his opinions. I'm so grateful for that.
I'll keep you posted!
Posted by Mrs. B 0 comments
Labels: The Wedding
August 5, 2008
Timeless Stamps
I stumbled across this new stamp.
I can't wait to buy them! They will go perfectly with my 'vintage' theme! My Gram's will be equally as thrilled as Frank is one of her favs!
Posted by Mrs. B 1 comments
Labels: The Wedding
August 3, 2008
Cpl. Nate is home!
After our meeting with Fr. Bart he drove us to Midway to see Nate off the plane! He was flying in from San Diego, CA. He just finished his deployment. He was in Japan, Hawaii, Thailand and more countries I just can't remember right now..ha! We all haven't seen Nate is over a year! It is so nice to have him back home. He will be here for 23 days.
Nate and I have been really close since he was born. We are only 4 years apart and growing up we were inseparable. If I could I would make him my Best Man. But since Mike and I have been together he has been in the Marines and they haven't had a chance to really get close....Except the time right after boot camp..Mike and I got him so drunk..he got REALLY REALLY sick..OoOPS!
We are hoping to party with him while he is town...and see him as much as possible. He has 1 year left with the Marines, and he promises us he is not going to reenlist. That is such a relief!
Welcome home Cpl. Nate!!! We missed you!
Posted by Mrs. B 0 comments
Labels: family
He said yes!
This is a follow up to my Sacrifices? post.
Saturday we had our follow-up meeting with Uncle Fr. Bart at St. John Cantius to find out if he was going to agree to marry us. I was overloaded with emotions. I was nervous, sad, mad, confused.. But as we met in Fr. Bart's (beautiful) office...I started to feel at ease. He asked us if we thought about the situation (and we had VERY much). He told us that it was 'homework' or a 'test'. He wanted us to make an important decision (living separately) as we would have important decisions like this after we were married. He also wanted us to experience our families giving their '2 cents' and having to come up with a decision that WE agreed on, not what other people wanted us to do. There were a few factors to why we couldn't (and wouldn't) move out. The 2 biggest reasons were money issues and how Mike doesn't have his drivers license. Fr. Bart realized it wasn't that we want to live together to have a 'trail marriage' as that is what he thought originally. He has agreed to perform our Sacrament of Marriage. I say Sacrament because that is truly what it will be. He also reminded us of the rules of a Catholic Marriage...1. Divorce is NOT an option 2. Conceiving a child 3.No adultery. We couldn't agree more.
He asked us what we thought the first problem we will run into as a married couple. I thought financial issues. But I was wrong. It is Freedom. He gave us examples like maybe Mike goes out every Friday night with the guys to play pool and now that we are married I tell him that I want us to spend time alone..What will Mike do?. I think this issue has already been resolved in the past 4 years Mike and I have been together. We are ok with each other having a 'girls/boys night out' once in a while because we know that spending time together as a couple is more enjoyable and we both trust each other. So...we have already started learning how married life will be like.
There is 1 stipulation. We have to sleep in separate rooms. And live as brother and sister as this is what God said in the Bible. Luckily, we have no problem doing this and it will most likely make our life as a married couple more exciting.
I was unsure how I would feel about this whole situation.....but I am SO relieved. A BIG weight has been lifted off my shoulders and Mike's. We have been so stressed out because finding a priest to marry us IS the most important thing..So, we can continue our planning! Yippee! Next, we must find a ceremony musician, and luckily we have a family friend who has 20+ years experience...
Also, our last 2 meetings have been part of our Pre-Cana (pre-martial counseling). We only have 3 hours to go! We meet with Fr. Bart again in October so he can meet Mike's parents and ask them questions under oath. Since, Fr. Bart is my Uncle/Godfather he will be my witness and doesn't need my parents present. Yippee for me!
Posted by Mrs. B 2 comments
Labels: The Wedding
August 1, 2008
My 1st Wedding nightmare
Oh my gosh! This morning I woke up in a hot mess! I was all sweaty and in tears!
All I remember is Mike and I were really busy the month before the wedding. Going to various places..the florist, the Squire..etc. We happened to drive out to Green Bay, WI. to visit my Aunt Karen (who we RARELY see) at some Tux store. We just browsed around...like it was nothing. But then on the way back I realized it was May 1....a day before the wedding. I had left the Tux information with Mike to give to the guys...but he NEVER gave them the info. All of a sudden the highway turned into big hills..and every time we went over one we flew into the air. (Crazy? Yes, I know!) We were struggling to keep the car straight and make phone calls to all the guys asking them to go to ANY tux place to get fitted and rent a tux..ANY tux! But no one was answering their phones, they were all busy...or the ones who did answer had no car or no money. I remember getting to a stop light and just crying...thinking that our wedding was gonna be a HUGE catastrophe.
Then I woke up. In a panic. The dream was so intense and so real.
A few weeks ago Mike has a Wedding nightmare too, and I joked that it's the bride who is suppose to have these nightmares...not the groom. Ha! This is what I get for teasing him!
Note to self: Select tuxes 4 months BEFORE the wedding.
Posted by Mrs. B 1 comments
Labels: Randoms