November 13, 2008

I was touched..

I have something sweet to share with you really touched me.

But first, let me tell you I'm SO sick! I'm home sick with a tummy ache and a horrible back ache! I hurt my back when I was 16 and ever since it will go out without warning. It really stinks! But it gives me time alone on my computer (or what Mike calls it "the devil machine"..)

Ok, so while we were in Iowa we stopped at Mama B's good life long friend, Bette's. Bette has been like a mother to her and like a grandmother to her boys. I couldn't wait to meet her. She was the sweetest lady ever. She showed me around her house, and it was so cute. And talk about so many vintage things in her house. w.o.w. I thought I had died and gone to heaven!

But then she showed me this..

Mike drew this for Bette in high school. Mike is now 31. She kept this picture, had it matted and is sitting in her living room..for her to look at everyday. How sweet is that? I was so touched that she held on to this for so long. I'm telling you..she is the nicest lady I have ever met.

Just another reminder of how lucky I am to be joining this wonderful family!


Krista said...

Oh, that is so sweet. And what a talented piece of art!