November 1, 2008

How I spent my Halloween..

I didn't dress up. I didn't go to any dumb parties.

I crafted with my two loves!

Mikey and Bella!

We worked a long 4-5 hours on my table numbers. And they aren't even finished... But they are going to look fabulous!

Bella figured out how to use the Cricut..I borrowed. And Mikey stenciled numbers...and I cut and glued! Great assembly line!

You are probably wondering..why someone would want to spend this amount of time on table numbers. Well..this is my one and only DIY project. And I want my guests to be able to reminisce and have a great conversation starter! One thing I've learned from going to the (million) weddings I've been until the dancing can get a bit boring. So, I'm just trying to spruce it up a bit!

Sorry no pictures! Some of my guests are reading and I don't to ruin the surprise!

Thank you Bella for helping us. You are such a wonderful friend.


Cate Subrosa said...

Wow, how intriguing... they must be some table numbers!

Bella said...

I had so much fun! I can't wait to see the finished product! AND I want one of those machines!!! Hey, check out my blog...I redid it again, but I think this is sticking until after we get married! I love it and I've learned how to 'tweak' the html code to make whatever background and foreground I want! Let me know if you want me to do yours!!! :-)